Craft Corner

Learn how to make a facemask with Debra Pylypiw
See what some of our program contractors and partners are offering:
The Wild Child Art Studio is offering some online art classes and craft videos for kids. Visit their Facebook page at
Our friends at Pogie's Fishing Center are offering some free fly tying videos and have added an online store on their facebook page at
For Kids
- Learn how to make a friendship bracelet here.
- How to make homemade Oobleck
- How to make a peanut butter pinecone bird feeder
- Make a Mancala board out of an egg carton here. You can use uncooked beans or jelly beans instead of the gems.
- Learn how to make dinosaur shadow puppets and put on a play!
- Are you a Harry Potter fan? Put on the Sorting Hat and discover your Hogwarts House and then learn how to draw a Niffler, make a Howler card, and learn magical calligraphy!
- Daily lunch doodles with Mo Willems.
- Lots of cool nature craft ideas for kids on KiwiCo
- The Dad Lab offers some kids crafts and science experiments videos.
- 15 Easy sensory crafts with Baker Ross.
- Cooking videos for kids with The Tiny Chef.
- Craft videos from The Artful Parent
- Learn how to make Paper hand puppets
- Try out some new crafts and activities with Highlight Kids
- Elemental Science offers over 80 science experiments to try with you kids from home
- Make a Wind Chime out of recyclable materials.
- Learn to make easy origami with instructions and diagrams from Origami Way.
For Adults
- Follow along with Bob Ross and paint some little happy trees together.
- Adult craft ideas with Crafts by Amanda.
- Make a DIY Compost Bin
- Learn to make bread from scratch and bake at home with Gourmandise's Bread Camp online.
- Cooking from the Pantry recipes from the Food Network.
- Home crafts and DIY projects with Spruce Crafts.
- Tutorials from Angela Anderson on acrylic painting.
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